Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rule Clarifications

I found a few interesting rules Q&A threads recently and thought I'd share some interesting rules I found. Some I knew but appreciate the reminder, and some I had no idea. Number 56 is probably most interesting and 58 might intrigue Bear since he just discovered he has a power with a Melee reach 2 (thought whether or not it can be used when he charges is another question entirely.

#1 - (PHB 266) The number of times that you can use any daily power granted by any magic item is limited by the PC level. You CAN use more than one magic item daily power per day at Heroic Tier. The catch? You have to reach a milestone first.

#3 - (PHB 59) Powers with a hit that also have an effect still get the benefit of their effect even if the power misses. As the DM I didn't give some of my players the benefit from their attacks.

#7 - (PHB 287-288) Charge is a standard action, so you can still take a move action in the same round. However, using a charge ends your turn, so you can only move before you charge.

#12 - (PHB 295) When you subject to a healing effect that requires you to spend a healing surge and you have none left, you are restored to 1 hit point, if you were dying.

#19 - (PHB 295) When you reduce a monster to 0 hp you get to choose if you either knock it unconscious or kill it. (i.e. instead of nonlethal damage).

#25 - (PHB 285) You do not need to hold a weapon in order to obtain combat advantage through a flank. You can be armed or unarmed.

#29 - (PHB 285) You can flank, and even gain combat advantage for attacks, with a ranged weapon (or any attack). You still need to be adjacent to the target (so usually making the ranged or area attack would provoke), but still useful to know if there is something you really, really need CA for with a ranged or area attack.

#33 - (PHB 294) Temporary hit points don't stack.

#34 - (PHB 268) You can only use an Immediate Interrupt or Reaction once per Round, not both.

#39 - (PHB 290) You don't move into your opponent's square when you grab. Even if you're a stirge. In fact, I don't think you ever share a square with an opponent any more for any reason. Gelatinous Cube and Shambling Mound is one exception to this.

#56 - (PHB 295) You can only fail 3 Death Saving Throws TOTAL between short (or extended) rests. So if you go down, fail 2, get back up, go down again, and fail 1, you are D-E-D, dead.

#58 - (PHB 287)(Number your rules, demmit) With a reach weapon, you can make a charge attack and do NOT have to end the move adjacent to the charged enemy. "You must move at least 2 squares from your starting position, and must move directly to the nearest square FROM WHICH YOU CAN ATTACK YOUR ENEMY. You can't charge if the nearest square is occupied. Moving over difficult terrain costs extra squares of movement as normal."

How does Intimidation work? Ask your DM. The most common interpretation is that during combat you can force a bloodied target to surrender (i.e. no longer participate in the current battle), or an unbloodied opponent to take some other action. Either way they will likely have a +10 modifier to their will for being hostile. Discussed here.

Can you Teleportation from the prone position to an upright position? Teleportation does not remove the prone condition. However your DM might allow you to teleport into the air above the ground in order to use acrobatics to land on your feet. Discussed here.

What path must you take when charging? Ask your DM. The rules merely say "directly". Although in 3.5 "directly" meant "straight line" in regard to charging, no similar context is mentioned in 4e. Some DM’s using a variation of the 'pull' rules, others trace line of effect, etc. Discussed here.


Taran said...

Couple of thoughts on these:

#1: So if I use my dwarven chainmail power, then reach a milestone, I can use the power again? Is that right?

#3: This was something I stressed to Julia, since some of her powers have effects. You ALWAYS get to do effects. If you're risk averse, these powers are nice, since you'll get to do something no matter what.

#7: That's helpful to know. Although to be honest, this seems a bit overpowered to me. You get to move. Then you get to move AGAIN, attack, AND get a +1 to that attack. Clearly, our paladin and warden need to be charging more.

#39: Does this mean we can't stand on top of a prone enemy?

#56: Yikes. That's not good. I think that would have killed both John and Julia in our battle with Kalarel. I would have had to drag all of you out of there.

Charging: This one's up to you, Brian, but I'm in favor of not being overly technical about it. If there are two squares that are equally close and are on a relatively direct path, I don't see why we couldn't choose which one we end up in. I know there could be tactical advantages, but it seems mostly trivial.

Brian Zuniga said...

#1: No, that's not exactly right. This will be more meaningful when you have more than one magic item with a daily power (which some of you already have, I think). Under normal circumstances, you can use only 1 daily item power per day until you hit level 11, even if you have multiple items with daily powers. So, choose which one you use very carefully. The only way to get around this is to hit a milestone, then you can use another (so basically, it is a reason to not rest so often). Regardless, a daily power is a daily power and can only be used once per day.

#3: Yes. Start grabbing those effects.

#7: The catch, I think, is that charge only allows you to use a melee basic attack. So you can move a pretty good distance and you'll probably hit, you just won't do an incredible amount of damage. It's great for establishing position though (or racing around the battlefield if you don't mind provoking AoO.

#39. I think so. Sounds like we've been doing it slightly wrong.

#59: No joke. That really is more scary. It's easier to die than we thought I guess. Suddenly having multiple people able to do a healing ability or two seems like a really good idea.

Charging: I'm all for being more lenient. It wouldn't bother me at all to use basic "pull" rules where, as long as you were one square closer every time you moved, then everything is fine. Get charging!

Taran said...

#1: Ah, I see. That makes sense. So now that I have both the Casque of Tactics and the dwarven chainmail, I can only use one until we reach a milestone (which is the third encounter after an extended rest, correct?).

#7: Yeah, that's a good point. This actually makes a difference for John. The problem for him is that his melee basic attacks use strength instead of charisma, which is a big deal. He got rid of Ardent Strike, which would allow him to use a charisma based attack when he charges. I think he may want to switch Forbidding Strike back to Ardent Strike for this bonus.

I think the extra movement beforehand makes charging a lot more useful.

Taran said...

Regarding charging, I also see the other drawbacks. Sure, you can go a long way, but it's essentially a to-hell-with-the-consequences sprint straight toward your foe. You don't grant combat advantage like when you run, but you also could potentially take attacks of opp.

Brian Zuniga said...

yeah, charging is great for establishing position early on, being able to attack someone you otherwise wouldn't be able to reach (since you can move and charge) and taking as much advantage of a surprise round as possible (not that anyone really ever sneaks around). You're right, you will provoke AoO but John and Bear have the most AC anyway, so it should work out.

Taran said...

Actually, Bear really needs to get some more AC. I think it's going to be almost imperative that we use our wad of cash to purchase him some upgraded hide armor. Then he can charge with impunity.

Taran said...

Oh, I read that thread about charging. Some interesting theories on the paths you have to take.

Are you of the opinion that you have to take the straightest path? Or do you think that someone could do a little juking in the middle of their charge, as long as they continue to get closer and end up in the closest square from their starting point to the enemy?

Brian Zuniga said...

Well, I've been thinking about it and I feel like, in general, it should probably be a straight line unless there a straight line would impede you from making the charge at all because someone was in the way. That is, juking during a charge should not allow you to avoid an attack of opportunity, but it should allows to you charge an enemy you might otherwise not be able to charge were you not allowed to juke. Does that makes sense? I'm open for discussion though, I'm not married to that ruling.

Does bear have any Hide armor requests? Anything ilevel 5-7 is open.

Taran said...

That seems fair. So as long as there's nothing in your way, you move straight ahead, but you can juke a little to avoid obstacles, as long as you're still getting closer to your target. I'm cool with that.

As for Bear's armor, I like Barkskin (lvl 5), Shared Suffering (5), Deathburst (7), Horntusk (7), or Marauder's (7) - this would especially be good if you decided to do more charge attacks. But it's Bear's armor, so it's his call.